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Sin categoría – XXIII CONGRESO DE PSICOLOGÍA INFAD. "Psicología: Ciencia y Profesión" Saltar al contenido principal

Eating (and drinking) in Catania

[gview file=»https://23-congreso.infad.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/mangiare-e-bere-a-Ct.docx» height=»20%» width=»200px» save=»0″] Cari congressisti, per quanto riguarda i pasti, quando si viene in Sicilia è meglio evitare di portarsi dietro diete e analoghe aberrazioni. Negli intervalli tra le sessioni congressuali, sono previsti come da programma dei coffee break dove oltre il caffè del titolo troverete specialità tipiche siciliane, specialmente dolci, e come […]

Welcome to the XXIII International Congr...

XXIII International Congress of Psychology INFAD «Psychology: Science and Profession»  «»Insights from Educational and Developmental Psychology, the Social and Organizational Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychology of Health» University of Catania and Palermo University (Italy). 16-22 March 2016.     Psychology, throughout its history, has researched on knowledge, on the relationship between humans and the surrounding environment […]